kaliMantan is a math game for multiplication adopts from the ladder snake game or ular tangga. This game tells about crossing Kalimantan Island with mathematics symbols () times. To move the player based on the number of questions / Math Quest (Multiplication) that can be solved on Turn Time that set. How the first player that can go to finish is a Winner Player.
Go to PLAYGAME page, and click (playbutton).
Input Username player 1 and player2, then click to begin the game.
Input Timer Main Timer and Turn Timer.
Main Timer: Time limit to play game.
Turn Timer: Time limit for Player to answer multiplication question.
Then click to open the game page.
Click button to Play the Game.
to play the Player 1 Turn.
Click to play the Player 2 Turn.
Player 2 Turn Button will be show after Player 1 turn is over.
Fill the Answer Input with your answer then click the
button to check your answer and show the new question.
if answer is true point and player position will be increase +1.
if answer is false point and player position will be decrease -1.
When the Turn Time player has expired will appear your points will be displayed in notification, and your point will be summed into the Score.
Then click to play the Player 2 Turn.
Turn player will be looping until the Main Time that you setting is over, and how is that can be move most far, that is a winner player.